Huffington Post
Rabbis Have Feelings Too
These days it seems like I am always tired. Not the 5-am-wakeup-so-I-can-get-to-the-gym kind of tired. And not even the 11-pm-bedtime-after-a-long-night-of-meetings tired. And while those kids certainly tire me out, I don’t think I can blame them for this one either.
Don't Mourn the End of Summer
The conversations I’ve been hearing lately all seem to sound the same:
How was your summer? Nice, but too fast! I know! I can’t believe summer’s already over!
Singing in the Car
An era ends, and I'm sad, terribly sad. But also so very grateful for the incredible community and the wonderful experiences we have shared as a family.
Shabbatoween 2014: Keeping it Neighborly and Making it Jewish
How do I undo what I've done to Halloween? I don't want him to participate in trick-or-treating, but there should be joy in helping others to celebrate their holidays (like wishing other people a Merry Christmas). Perhaps it's time to start a new Halloween tradition -- even in this rabbi's home.